Ceremony Policies

Policy Contract

This Policy Contract (“Contract”) is entered into on [Date] between Oratory of Mystical Sacraments (“OMS”) and the Participant.

1. General Policies

a. Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law: Participants are encouraged to act in alignment with their own will, provided such actions do not result in harm to themselves, others, or the environment.

b. Tolerance, Kindness, and Respect: Participants must practice tolerance, kindness, and respect towards others, all living creatures, and the land at all times.

2. Preservation of Environment

a. Stones and Crystals: Participants agree not to remove any stones or crystals found within the Navajo Nation. If desiring to examine closely, they must be placed back in the same spot where found.

b. Bones: Any bones found must be left in their original location, although they may be picked up for examination.

c. Preservation of Paths: All paths leading to the Temple must be preserved to the best of participants’ ability.

d. Carving or Etching: Carving or etching symbols, words, names, etc. into any stone or tree within the Navajo Nation or on the route to or from the Temple is strictly prohibited.

3. Environmental Responsibility

a. Littering: Participants must not litter under any circumstances. Efforts should be made to leave the land more beautiful than it was found. Participants shall engage in a roadside litter cleanup for a couple of hours during the excursion.

4. Behavioral Standards

a. Language: Cussing must be avoided and minimized. Participants are expected to conduct themselves as if in a holy temple, maintaining awareness and attention on keeping actions and words pristine and holy.

b. Communication: Communication shall be limited to minimize unnecessary external stimuli and maximize necessary and invaluable stimuli.

c. Topics of Discussion: Participants are prohibited from discussing their income, civilian roles, jobs, or family with other participants. Communication should focus on present surroundings or personal growth. Friendships formed should adhere to this policy.

d. Sharing Insights: Participants agree to wait until the scheduled time for group discussion to speak about their visions or insights obtained during or after ceremonies.

5. Donations

a. Suggested Donation: Participants are suggested to donate 1% of their yearly income or net worth to support this world historic and humanitarian endeavor.

b. Damage Deposit: A damage deposit, equal to an additional 10% of the suggested donation, is collected to ensure adherence to our policies. This deposit will be returned either on the day of departure or within 7 days of departure.

c. Navajo Fund: Participants are suggested to donate an additional 10% of their 1% to the Navajo fund, which OMS will match. This fund helps us offer free services to tribal members of the Navajo Nation.

Example: Your yearly income is $100,000, the donation is $1,000, returnable damage deposit is $100, and the donation to the Navajo fund is $100, which OMS will match with $100.

6. Income and Net Worth Verification

a. Verification Process: OMS reserves the right to verify the income or net worth provided by the participant. Intentional dishonesty regarding income or net worth may result in denial of participation.

7. Sustenance

a. Food and water will be stocked and offered for convenience. Special requests cannot be accommodated at this time. Participants with food restrictions or preferences may bring their own food.

9. Contraband

a. Weapons are not permitted. Weapons carried or stored in your vehicle are not permitted.

b. Alcohol is strictly prohibited and cannot be stored in your vehicle.

c. OMS reserves the right to inspect vehicles, luggage, and participants at any time and confiscate contraband.

8. Confidentiality

a. OMS maintains full confidentiality of participant information.

b. Photographs or recordings of any kind are not permitted in restricted areas.

c. OMS reserves the right to inspect, or confiscate any device suspected of recording in restricted areas.

9. Acknowledgment and Agreements

The Participant acknowledges and agrees that:

a. This event is a spiritual pilgrimage to a 30-million-year-old Temple on the restricted and magical lands of the Navajo.

b. The land the event is held on is not American land, outsiders have no right to walk on restricted areas of the Navajo Nation without some form of clearance and authorization. Gavin Kaiser provides this clearance and authorization for the purpose of these ceremonies, only, and he can remove it instantly if a participant’s misconduct calls for it.

c. Participants understand and agree they do not have the right to explore and will not explore other areas of the Navajo Nation or return to Shiprock, NM unless it is for an OMS sanctioned event, or they have, both, written permission from Gavin Kaiser and a permit issued by the Navajo Nation for their expedition.

d. The same penalties for breaching the NDA shall apply to breaching any and all policies.

By signing below, the Participant acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this Policy Contract.


[Participant’s Signature]

[Participant’s Name]



[OMS Representative’s Signature]

[OMS Representative’s Name]


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