
Q. Is OMS a religion?
No. OMS is a nationwide religious organization consisting of people who share a similiar religious doctrine, or spiritual and scientific perspective that Sacrament utilization is a fundamental aspect of not only their personal religion, but of being human. This doctrine predates any major religion or doctrine currently practiced in today’s world.

We do not believe it is right for people who want to pluck a plant or mushroom from the ground to be required by their government to proclaim or prove what they are about to do is their religion, or that they are a member of a religious organization. We believe that everybody has the right to utilize Sacraments in any way, shape, or form so long as it is responsible and not done in such a way that results in undue harm to themselves or others. However, we do believe that because of the sacred nature of these Sacraments that it is better, for the time being, that they reemerge into the world through organizations, or people that emphasize the spiritual and scientificly proven benefits and present and conduct their work in ways that honor the sacredness of the Sacraments.

Q. What is Omnism?
Omnism, founded in England, is the recognition and respect of all religions; those who hold this belief are called Omnists. Omnism affirms the necessity of one arriving at an understanding of reality based on personal experience, engagement, and inquiry. While many OMS members consider themselves Omnists, many of our members identify, solely, as Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, etc., and many members choose to not place any title on their beliefs or disbeliefs.

Q. Is OMS a Christian organization?
Clarification on what the term “Christian” means is needed before answering this. After analyzing the circumstantial and direct evidence we view Christianity as a spin off from other religions that predate Christ and we are aware that much of the bible and Christianity as we know it have been manipulated by man in order to suit their agendas. Now, we don’t believe this is a bad thing in every circumstance. It can easily be seen how throughout mankind’s intellectual, moral, and spiritual evolution that there have been times when a moral code that maintained order in the general population was needed to create order out of chaos, and leading people to believe they will suffer in hell for eternity if they do bad in this life or don’t accept a specifc deity as their God, is a great method for maintaining order and a providing a sense of spirituality for large numbers of people, but that method’s effectiveness is diminishing.

There are numerous indicators that many aspects of Christianity came from the religion of Isis in ancient Egypt. There are also aspects of Krishna from Hinduism, and more. Even in the religions of Isis in ancient Egypt the general population was refused the true Eucharists, as Manna and all mushrooms or truffles were prohibited among the common people, this is why the story states that the tribes called it Manna when they left Egypt and discovered it, as they did not know it before – it was banned and hidden from them for ages.

We believe the “nontraditional” form of Christianity is the modern form practiced with symbolic Eucharists that require Transubstantiation, and “traditional Christianity” is practiced with real Eucharists that do not require Transubstantiation. In that sense, OMS could be considered a “Traditional Christian” organization, as much of the essence of Christianity is much better understood, or experienced through the Sacraments, as everything good in the bible or any religious scripture, spiritually and morally, can be realized and understood on a core level in just one Sacrament session, or ceremony.

We practice traditional aspects of numerous religions, including Islam. For instance, Allah commanded Muhammad to provide Syrian Rue (Peganum harmala) to the people, not for physical nourishment like regular food provides, rather for mental and spiritual strength and nourishment that only a mystical sacrament can provide. There are other Hadiths that indicate the sacredness of Syrian Rue, including one that mentions that an angel guards over it and heals those who come to it. In addition, Syrian Rue is sacred in Zoroastrianism and many other religions including Christianity. However, it appears that many aspects of Islam have also been altered like Christianity in order to hide the Sacraments, though homage is paid to those Sacraments in plain sight.

And in another sense, we could be considered nothing at all as all terms or titles fall away at the moment of truth and direct experience. We do not grasp onto any sort of title to our beliefs with fanaticism, and the term “Traditional Christianity” is used lightly.  In addition, to adhere only to “Traditional Christian” philosophy would be severely limiting and not define the broad scope of our practice or even Christianity itself. The bible clearly states to seek wisdom and understanding at all costs and anywhere they may lie, and in doing that we must stray very far from Christian technologies and philosophies alone, as wisdom and understanding exist far beyond one religious or spiritual doctrine.

An example of “Traditional Christian” beliefs would be where the story of Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” We are inclined to believe (due to evidence and logic) that this is one of the many manipulated parts of the bible and that the original teaching was, “The Sacraments (Manna, Acacia, Rue, etc.) are the way to truth and life. No one comes to the Holy Spirit except through these.”

Another example is the story of Jesus using magic to turn water into wine. It seems the real magic in this story has been hidden. Jesus specifically instructed his disciples to use stone pots and not clay pots, and there was already several ounces of a substance inside the pots before they added the water. Now, in those days stone pots were only used for cooking and boiling, while clay pots were for storing liquids. This indicates that this story has hidden meanings and a meaning that is logical to consider is that Jesus was providing instructions on boiling a substance into a tea (water extraction). It is possible that the magic in this story is not that he used Godly powers to turn water into spiritually numbing alcohol, rather the magic in this story is in whatever spiritually fulfilling alkaloids were extracted into the water and the profound effects they had on the people who consumed it, which caused the story to be passed down for 2,000 years.

It is not possible to or logical to think that someone could make several batches of alcohol in mere minutes as alcohol requires much more time to be made. It is highly logical and possible to make a mystical beverage in mere minutes by putting Manna, Rue, or Acacia in a stone pot, adding water, and heating it.  Analyzing the story of Jesus it doesn’t seem logical that he would cook up several big batches of alcohol to give to people when he did not condone drunkeness, and since Jesus was a mystic it is more logical that he was preparing a mystical drink for people. Once a person consumes Manna tea, Rue tea, Acacia tea, or similar teas then one can see how logical it is that those are great candidates for whatever the several ounces of substances were in the pots.

Some stories, especially religious, seem to be everlasting which rulers long ago were aware of and it was necessary for those rulers to not try to get rid of the stories as that would have been more difficult than altering them in order to hide the part that Sacraments played in them. Fortunately, clues are left here and there from scripture to ancient art, illuminated manuscripts, architecture, stained glass images, and so forth that appear to provide direct and circumstantial evidence for these notions. Traditional Christianity (like other religions) utilized Manna (psilocybin mushrooms and truffles), Syrian Rue, Acacia, and more for spiritual purposes.  It seems that if Christ was here that sacraments were heavily infused into his practices, and it is this that was hidden from the general population long ago.

As scientific advances continue to unravel mysteries, we are left with the responsibility to advance our religious doctrines accordingly, as false fairy tales will no longer satiate the general population’s spiritual thirst. The internet, or information sharing and nearly unlimited knowledge at your fingertips that can be gathered in mere seconds raises the bar for religions to meet the needs of the modern world. The tremendous advances in intellect, science, and reason among the general poulation while coupled with fraudulent fairy tales from religions will only continue to make people lose their spiritual faith (whatever faith that may be).

We urge Pope Francis and the Vatican leadership to remember that in the CONSTITUTION ON THE SACRED LITURGY SACROSANCTUM CONCILIUM it clearly states “The Council also desires that, where necessary, the rites be revised carefully in the light of sound tradition, and that they be given new vigor to meet the circumstances and needs of modern times.” Leadership at the Vatican and religious institutions worldwide are encouraged to reintegrate Manna, Acacia, Rue, and other Sacraments, that meet the needs of the modern world, back into their teachings, rituals, and religious practices. Religious leaders, of any religon who would like to reintegrate these Sacraments into their religious services are welcome to contact us for further information or assistance with the reintegration.

Q. Does OMS provide “drugs”?
No, the Sacraments we utilize or provide are extremely healthy for the body, mind, and spirit, and not addictive. To call Sacraments “drugs” as if they are in the same category as cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, etc. is highly derogatory, perpetuates disillusion, and is indicative of being incompetent or prejudice.  The Sacraments we work with have consistently proven to be effective at preventing and treating harmful addictions to drugs such as those.

Also, there is new evidence indicating how utilizing Sacraments just one time can decrease the chances of that individual from ever commiting a crime by 26%. Imagine what utilizing Sacraments four times could do, it has the potential to decrease a person’s chances of ever committing a crime by 100%. We believe that if we were to stop bringing more Sacraments into the world for people to have access to, then that would be the equivalent of supporting and condoning a minimum of a 26% increase in crime rates nationwide as well as an increase in addiction rates, and we cannot and will not support that. To serve the greater good, we must continue on with our work.

Q. Is OMS a religious historical society?
Technically, OMS is a charitable religious organization. However, OMS Ministers go to great lengths in their research so discoveries that benefit pubic health and welfare can be provided. By releasing photographs of art such as illuminated manuscripts, paintings, sculptures, architecture, stained glass, etc., and Manna, or other sacraments that are produced and photographed by the OMS founder ensures the public is afforded the opportunity to see Manna and other sacraments in a positive light. Because sacraments have been wrongfully stigmatized for such a long time, it is important for public welfare that they see images, text, or video that will restore the awe, respect, and curiosity that should naturally be felt when learning about sacraments.

We do not release our findings as a way to proselytize or convert people to our religious beliefs.  We use images, text, or video and various media outlets as way to inform the public of important findings just as an archaeologist would regarding artifacts or a paleontologist would with dinosaur bones.  To date, this service is done at no cost to the public and people may view our findings freely.

Q. How do OMS members practice their religion?

It is much the same as reading the bible or any other spiritual text. If you wanted to gain spiritual insight you would not take the bible to a party or to a movie and try to read it, as not being able to immerse oneself in the study of scripture would not provide desired results. It would be better to take your bible with water, and healthy snacks such as fruits and nuts up to grassy hilltop where you won’t be disturbed and sit on a rock or under the shade of a tree while spending several hours or longer just reading, praying, and being in the presence of nature and turning your gaze to the sky or the plants around you while you ponder the scripture you just read and appreciate nature’s beauty at the same time. With a Sacrament one would want to apply those same general methods if they are seeking a true religous or spiritual session/ceremony, but this is only one way, there are numerous “proper” ways to utilize sacraments – just like there are numerous “proper” ways to study religious texts.

The way that we practice our religion is not the same as going to church once a week, singing some songs, or eating a purely symbolic Eucharist made of enriched wheat. When OMS members worship they are ingesting not simply a symbolic Eucharist(s), they are ingesting the true Eucharist, the real Body of Christ, the Blood of Christ, the Flesh of the Gods, Food of the Angels, Fruits of the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life, the Holy Grail, Teonanacatl, and so forth. The spiritual effects of these Eucharists/Sacraments can last for days, weeks, months, years, decades, or a lifetime. Due to that, it is not necessary for members to ingest the Eucharist once a week.

Often the Eucharists will point people in the direction of other Sacraments, and will show them through natural urges, intuitions, and newfound understandings which Sacraments to use next, which is why it is important that people have access to any and all Sacraments that have shown potential for religious, mystical, and spiritual purposes so long as they are utilized responsibly and not causing undue harm to the individual or other people.

Q. Does OMS provide members with Sacraments that can be used for their own religious practice?
Possibly, but people are only considered for eligibility after they have completed our Sacrament courses, have agreed to utilize them within the context detailed in the “Ceremonial Methods” units in the courses, submitted their “Constitutional & Religious Proclamation”, completed the steps of spreading Manna spores in their region, uploaded a photo of the half-scraped spore print, completed the online congregation participation requirements in the forum, completed other Acts and steps in the courses, and so forth. There may be exceptions, substitutions, or additions to that procedure that are applied on a case by case basis.

Our religious doctrine mandates that Sacraments be used for sacred wisdom, empowerment, heaing, joy, forgiveness, and spiritual growth. Without Sacraments, OMS members are unable to practice the most fundamental aspects of their religion and being human. We have members in every state who depend on OMS as their only source for truly sacred Sacraments, and in order to serve these members we use modern technology to do so. We would love to have a monk on horseback deliver the Sacraments to you, pull them out of an Ark of the Covenant and look you in the eyes when handing them over while chanting Latin hymns, but that is not practical. In addition, it only makes sense to use the internet, which has been said to be an inevitable manifestation of the Earth’s mycelial internet, to ensure members may access the sacred gifts of mycelium.

Q. What if someone where to accidentally, or intentionally hurt themelves, or others, or cause a public disturbance due to utilizing Sacraments?
Statistically speaking, this is an overrated concern. This is not common, especially when Sacraments are used within the proper context, and any instances when negative results have occured, compared to the amount of people who reap tremendous postive results, is negligible. We live in a world where society has agreed that it is ok to accept some risk, in order to have some benefit. Even though thousands of innocent people, including children, die gruesome and bloody deaths every year in automobiles, we never stop using them, only look at how to improve them. We as a society have also allowed alcohol to become a major element of our culture even though a large number of people reap negative effects, or conduct themselves inappropriately due to its use. So, why not apply that same allowance to Sacraments? Sacraments offer FAR greater benefits to mankind than alcohol or automobiles, so it is only logical and necessary that we don’t allow the tiny percentage of people who use Sacraments inappropriately or have an accident while using them to stop Sacraments from being accessible to those who are responsible with them.

Q. What does OMS believe in?
We don’t just believe. We seek, discover, and analyze data, and apply that data to our lives as we see fit. Because new discoveries are always occurring and because there are likely things that have yet to be discovered that will someday change everything we currently think is true,we must stay open to analyzing and accepting new data on a continual basis.

Q. Does OMS have a religious book such as the Quran or Holy Bible?
No. There is not a book mandatory for our members to believe in in order to partake of the religious practice of utilizing sacraments. However, we draw upon all religious texts that teach logic, love, compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, justice, wisdom, moral advancement, etc., and we refine, revise, and improve religious scripture whenever possible and release these revisions on ocassion. We study and learn from religious scriptures, teachers, mentors, etc. but our reach extends far beyond a book with limited pages or teachings from elders, as we do not believe that divine truth, “light”, or the answers to our spiritual quest end at the last page of the Holy Bible, the Noble Quran, any other book, teachings, or passed down rituals of any tribe, culture, religion, or society. Though, we do see immense value in learning as much as possible from all of those elements and enjoy doing so, but the thirst of our souls is not fully quenched with scripture, parables, symbolism, and allegories. Without direct experience all of our efforts to have learned anything, spiritually, were, essentially, all for nothing.

Q. Why is a membership contribution requested?
OMS is unlike most religions, or religious organizations due to the fact that our religious doctrine of utilizing sacraments has been and still is one of the most discriminated religious practices in the world. OMS leaders, due to their indiscreet public position, have experienced countless instances of religious discrimination, even from organizations, businesses, and people who claim to not discriminate against religion, making their lives much harder and full of obstacles that are unique to this specific religious doctrine. However, OMS leaders boldly and selflessly endure that discrimination and overcome countless intimidating and dangerous obstacles in order to serve the greater good and provide people with access to their birth-right, sacred wisdom, and light. The risks, sacrifices, and expenses associated with operating, maintaining, advancing, and protecting an organization such as OMS are far greater than any standard organization. We are in the modern world of America and not in a tribal village where OMS leaders are readily supported by the locals, it is quite the opposite in much of the modern world.

In America, it is not the norm for Christians,  Muslims, Hindus, Atheists, or Buddhists to carry documentation in order to prevent being abducted (arrested) and tortured via negative and stressful soul-killing environmental manipulation, character degradation, dietary poisoning, violent/predatorial culture indoctrinations, etc. (incarceration) in order to practice their religion, or to simply be what they choose to be, but it is essential for OMS members to be able to provide some form of official proof of their membership in order to prevent such inhumanities. So it is important for OMS to adhere to and implement unique protocols and measures, to help ensure that people have a way to safely practice their religion without interference.

Q. What is the process to becoming a member?
Register, contribute, email your “Consitutional Religious, Spiritual, or Scientific Proclamation,” login and complete the corresponding online educational courses where you will learn about the history, pharmacology, and ceremonial methods of the Sacrament. In the last units of the courses, there are steps that require a physical act to show that you truly support our cause, have a strong desire to be a member, and are willing to give back to the Sacraments. In this step, you will go outside and inoculate your region with the Manna spores received from us. To date, OMS members have spread  billions, if not trillions of Manna spores, outdoors, in every state in America. OMS sends one spore print, along with other seeds, with your membership document.

Q. Why does OMS mention “scientific” use of Sacraments?
OMS feels that scientific use goes hand in hand with religious use. The sacraments, partly, serve as a microscope for us to peer into the innerworking of ourselves, and this world. Then we take what we learn and try to improve our lives or reach certain goals by using what we have learned, which is a scientific, artistic, philosophic, spiritual, and religious practice. It could be said that “our religion is science.”

Q. Does OMS make claims that its Sacraments will cure modern medical diseases?
No. However, spiritual health and physical health are closely linked. Improving one, in many cases, can improve the other, especially when that intention is reinforced with other methods such as a strategic diet, exercise, and supplementation regimen.

Q. How may I attend an OMS service?
Sign up for our newsletter, and we will notify you when there is an opening. Currently, due to an inability to accomodate the tremendous demand, openings are extremely limited and the waiting list is very long. We are doing our best to ensure we can accomodate everyone and look forward to expanding into new facilities at new locations.

Q. Does an OMS membership guarantee legal protection?
That is impossible to guarantee at this point time, even after MLK Jr. secured equal rights for African Americans, still to this day they must deal with prejudice and unjust persecutions. Any advancement in civil and human rights takes time for those rights to be respected across the board. Fortunately, OMS has a terrific success rate, along with many years of outstanding success. Membership does provide a solid legal defense, as well as official documentation that notifies law enforcement of your rights and potential penalties if they violate those rights. Statistically speaking, our members have little to no reason to be concerned. We have over a 99% success rate with our services and methods, and our members have a terrific track record of responsibly and respectfully utilizing Sacraments, and adhering to our code of ethics and conduct, which assists in preventing legal interference.

In 2014 the OMS Founder went to several government buildings to demonstrate the legality of our sacraments. We believe that if there were a legal issue with how we, or our members operate or practice our religion or spirituality, then we would have been notified years ago, when OMS went public, or in the years of worldwide ministerial service conducted by the OMS Founder, prior to OMS. When OMS was founded, the service regions switched from worldwide to nationwide.

Q. Are donations, contributions, etc. given to OMS tax deductible?
It is possible that you could receive a deduction, but the IRS does not guarantee tax deduction on donations to “free churches.” OMS operates under the status of a “free church” and though we adhere to standard operating guidelines for 501(c)(3) organizations it is not, yet, a registered 501(c)(3), but, currently, in that process.

Q. Is OMS currently accepting new staff, assistants, volunteers, board members, etc.?
We are always interested in hearing from anyone who would like to come aboard and assist with our mission. Use our contact form to send us information about yourself and how you would like to assist.

Q. How may I contact OMS with a general inquiry?
Click here to Contact Us. Please note, we are, typically, unable to respond to many of the general, non-emergency, inquiries received from the public. This is due to the delicate nature of our work, liability issues regarding some inquiries, and the large amount of inquiries received.

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