Acacia: The Tree of Life
The Ark of the Covenant was made of Acacia wood.
The ancient Egyptians believed that the spirits of Osiris and Isis lived in the Acacia tree, and that Horus was born of it.
According to Arabian legends, Acacia was Azazel’s most sacred tree. While in the Book of Enoch, Semyaza taught humans about root cuttings and enchantment. The images below are natural extracts of Acacia root cuttings.
Know that this primal matter always exists in the hands of the Elect of God, and that, in order to obtain it, it does not suffice to be great, rich or powerful: but, as I have already told you it is absolutely necessary to be loved and protected by God. I assure you further by all that is most sacred, that by means of light communicated to me by my Master, I can assert to you positively that a grain of this precious matter becomes a projection into infinity. Open wide your eyes and ears.
Moses, Enoch, Elias, David, Solomon, the King of Tyre, and other great ones, came to know and enjoy the primal matter, as well as supernatural philosophy.
–Cagliostro and His Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry by Henry Ridgely Evans, Litt. D., 33° Grand Tiler of the Supreme Council, A∴ A∴ S∴ R∴ of Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States
In the myth of Osiris, in order to produce the special stone alchemically, the Acacia must be macerated, tossed into a fluid menstruum/solvent or, in the case of Osiris, the Nile, and eventually resurrected or raised (via extraction in the alchemical process) to a sublime state of perfection; in alchemical terms, to a purified vegetable stone or crystalline salt.
Religions can be a healthy practice and they are a beautiful element of mankind. However, religions that hide Sacraments from people or disregard them altogether is a religion that strips a person of their full God-given potential, which is blasphemous and a threat to the person and to humanity, as this will lead to prejudices, ignorance, intolerance, hatred, violence, and sicknesses of all sorts. It is possible that we and our ancestors had to be misled for some time and hiding the Sacraments was not blasphemous but necessary. However, in this day and age, diluted doctrine no longer serves the greater good.
Any religious doctrine or national policy that instructs people to not see with their eyes, or hear with their ears must be investigated more thoroughly before adhering to it.
If we are to advance our spirits like we have our technologies then we must begin to learn how to properly utilize and benefit from our other ranges of perception, or senses, that are part of the Grand Design of the human being. Additionally, that is how we go to church, as our church lies outside our current and severely limited spectrum of perception. With these Holy Sacraments we approach the locked door to that church with molecular keys in hand. Currently, people can only perceive .001% of the world around them, so we shun doctrine that places additional limitations upon their sacred sensory organs. OMS advocates The All, or the everlasting and universal church that allows one to perceive and know more, not less, of themselves and this world.