
Content for Contemplation

“We readily recognize in Hiram Abiff the Osiris of the Egyptians.” Pierson, Traditions of Freemasonry

“We readily recognize in Osiris the sacred psilocybin mushroom, the Manna of Abrahamic religions, and that which was lost.” — Kaiser, OMS

Note the Bull, the offering in Seti’s hand, & the location of Osiris/Manna. Osiris Chapel – Temple of Seti the First at Abydos, Eypt
Image: by Hannibal Joost at Shutterstock.com
The Sacred Mushroom (Manna) as Osiris – Osiris Chapel – Temple of Seti the First at Abydos – Middle Egypt
Image: By Hannibal Joost at Shutterstock.com

“Everything good in nature comes from OSIRIS – order, harmony…” The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall

“Osiris and the Tyrian Architect (Hiram Abiff) are one and the same.” — Sickles, Daniel, “Freemason’s Guide”

An Interpretation of the Lost & Resurrected Phallus of Osiris.              © Kaiser, OMS 2019

Osiris is commonly depicted in the shape of a mushroom with human features and a crown, and, often, with blue skin, much like the blue flesh of the bruised or cut psilocybin mushroom. Osiris’ lost phallus, is symbolized by an obelisk, such as the obelisk found at the Vatican, and the 6,660″ tall x 660″ wide obelisk honoring George Washington in D.C. 

Washington/Osiris Monument in D.C.  The royal colors of ancient Egypt (Red, White, and Blue) surround the great symbol of Osiris. Image:

Isis, the sister, wife, and widow of Osiris, found that an Acacia tree had sprung up where her brother/husband, Osiris, died, and who despite his phallus being lost, she, magically, impreganted herself with their son, Horus, who was said to be born of the Acacia tree. Osiris was then resurrected and brought peace upon Egypt.

Isis, or the spirit of the Acacia tree (as depicted in numerous works residing in the Acacia tree), could be viewed in modern scientific terms as DMT, and Osiris as psilocybin and/or DMT. Both alkaloids are tryptamines and, essentially, the exact same molecule. Horus being their son could then represent either of the two, as he has been depicted bringing both the mushroom and DMT to initiates, typically Pharaohs.

In a day and age where there are unethical militant groups, such as ISIS who have created much havoc and suffering for people, and have been destroying some of the world’s most ancient and precious cultural heritage sites, especially the temples in Palmyra, would it not be beautiful to see a good Isis come back into the world that has the power to help mankind create a more peaceful and beautiful world without the atrocities that give birth to groups such as ISIS, nor the atrocities caused by them, and where every person can earn the opportunity to explore the other 99% of this world, and the magnificence of their own mind, while learning to be more loving, compassionate, and united with their fellow man and the creatures we share this planet with? Would it not be beautiful for the same amount of resources that go into building roller coaster theme parks, shopping malls, and sports arenas, etc. to be put into restoring and rebuilding some of mankind’s most beautiful temples for people to visit while exploring the other dimensions of perception and reality, and realizing the potential of the grand design of the human mind?

ISIL Propaganda: Destruction of the Temple of Baalshamin
Image: Wikimedia Commons
Temple of Baalshamin Palmyra, Syria
Image: Wikimedia Commons
Temple of Bel, Palmyra, Syria
Image: Bernard Gagnon Wikimedia Commons
Temple of Bel, Reconstructed 3D Image: by the New Palmyra Project, Wikimedia Commons

It seems the magic of the ancients stems from the same place where people are finding it today. It is promising to know that we will develop a much more advanced methodology than they had. We are on the precipice of advancing beyond the point they reached, and in only a decade of researching this natural magic and our inner-space without the cloudiness of past superstitions, with the clarity of science and logic, and to the same degree that NASA researches outer-space and CERN researches particle physics, we will far excel any previous progress made in the mystical arts and sciences, leading to an improvement in the condition of the planet and all of its inhabitants for all future generations. It is of utmost importance that we do this. We cannot continue advancing our technologies without taking the time to, also, advance our spiritual technologies, or else the world we all dream of will always be just out of reach.

The Sacred Mushroom (Manna) as Osiris – Pharaoh fresco painting in the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, Luxor, Egypt
Image: By Serge Vero at Shutterstock.com
Seti & Osiris
Image: By BasPhoto at Shutterstock. com
Manna © Kaiser, OMS 2019

Homage to you, Osiris, Lord of eternity, King of the Gods, whose names are manifold, whose forms are holy, you being of hidden form in the temples, whose Ka is holy.
— Egyptian Book of the Dead

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