A Cry Against Injustice in the Land of the Free
If the Witch Trials were declared unlawful, why are followers of the natural religion and those who ensure people have access to it still threatened with violent arrest, captivity, psychological torture, degradation, rape, and death?
The Witch Hunt never ended. Followers of the natural religion still must hide their spiritual practices in order to survive in this world. A mere flower, mushroom, tree root, or cactus can get a man, woman, or child handcuffed at gunpoint, shot and killed, or put into a dark, dangerous dungeon for years. This is only one tactic of the unlawful Witch Hunt still operating in America and many other countries. The other tactics will be detailed at a later date. They are designed to fill human desire for true magic with false magic, and to hide your sacred birthright, your soul, from you.
In remembrance of the Native Americans, Native Europeans, and all the innocents who suffered and died at the hands of the Church and State for finding church in nature, not a cathedral.

Henbane: The Witch’s Flying Ointment & Sacrament of Apollo & Diana
In ancient times Henbane was called Apollinaris after Apollo, the God of Light & Prophecy.
“Witches believe that they do that which they do not do, transforming themselves into other bodies, not by incantations or ceremonies, but by ointments and anointing themselves.”
— Sir Francis Bacon (1561–1626)
Marquis: Others believe that witches can fly.
The Church’s Method of Spreading the Gospel of Jesus
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (Inquisition)
- Witch trials in Denmark
- Witch trials in Finland
- Witch trials in France
- Witch trials in Germany – Bamberg, Fulda, Trier, & Würzburg
- Witch trials in the Holy Roman Empire
- Witch trials in Hungary
- Witch trials in Iceland
- Witch trials in Latvia and Estonia
- Witch trials in the Netherlands
- Witch trials in Norway
- Witch trials in Poland
- Witch trials in Portugal
- Witch trials in early modern Scotland
- Witch trials in Sicily
- Witch trials in Spain
- Witch trials in the Spanish Netherlands
Vivifica Pythonissam